Adolescent Student Set (includes 4 workbooks)

$125.00 ex. VAT



Contains 4 student workbooks that address everyday situations that middle school and high school adolescents encounter, such as getting to school on time, being a good teammate, complimenting friends, asking for help on schoolwork, and getting homework done. Adolescent Facilitator Workbook sold separately.*

POWER-Solving®: Stepping Stones to Solving Life’s Everyday Social Problems is a new social skills curriculum designed to teach elementary school-aged children and middle school and high school adolescents to become independent problem-solvers via a hands-on and user-friendly interactive approach that focuses on visual cues and supports. Within each workbook and guide are the five steps of POWER-Solving®, activities and strategies to promote generalization of skills, screening and assessment tools, and a letter to parents. Each Student Workbook Set and Facilitator’s Guide Set covers 4 areas of everyday social situations: Introduction, Social Conversation, Developing Friendships, Anger Manage89ment

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